Monday, 18 June 2007

Digital Classrooms

I found myself describing Learn-Now as a Digital Classroom today. Intrigued by the diversion from referring to it as being an online learning centre, I couldn't help but ponder and research the term of reference a little more. I wondered if in the end, I'd still tag it as a Digital Classroom. I do, but without a doubt, know I would have many who'd challenge that notion.

Google 'Digital Classroom' and you find everything from recommendations to shy away from the term completely, to proudly presented examples from around the world. After a good two hours surfing, all but one, two if you count Learn-Now, involve references to face-to-face classrooms. I personally know teachers who work in a Digital Classroom, am getting to know others who are trialling the concept, and today, met with an Intermediate in Wellington who are enroute the journey.

What has Learn-Now got to offer? We are an online learning environment that is much alike what I visualise face-to-face classrooms need to create as their online arena. An environment where students have several learning environments to work in; an inquiry based focus; choice of activity; the ability to co-operate & collaborate 24/7; (from having their US partners contribute while their own NZ contingent sleeps through to accessing their school life from home anytime, anywhere) but some examples.

From a technical perspective, it gets much deeper. We can offer huge inroads to design, management and engagement issues. Why does a page show a tabled arrangement of topics rather than a list of forums? Why have public spaces? Why have tuition lounges? What advantages are Members Lounges? What's with a booking room? What's with the red, blue, green & black paragraphs in that order? How many new items a week are highly recommended? When should a facilitator fade in and out? What is really deemed an extension activity by a student? When must a teacher direct in a learner-centred area? When will a topic flop? What ONE key move will entice a response to a thread in a forum? Out of 10 components in a topic/learning area, how many need to be forums?

We don't want Learn-Now to just be 'Learn-Now'. We desire that it also be a model to learn from and transform even more so, as we too learn alongside others to up the edge on what works. Learn-Now is a Digital Classroom - and while we prefer the term online learning centre, or 'school on the internet' as some insist, our closest relative is a school classroom. However, we'd represent a space more in keeping with a school running several digital classrooms, than just one. Food for thought...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jo
    I just found you on the edubloggers wiki - great to see you blogging - now i can keep up with my geek girl sis :-) Just added you to my bloglines. And just to make you feel welcome in the edublogosphere you've been tagged with the 8 random facts meme.
