Not one project, but a multitude...We're holding true to our key focus - taking kids global is now happening on a weekly basis. There's also a global focus in terms of developing an online learning centre for learners from afar, upon entry into NZ schools, at an ESOL level. On the national NZ stage, there's even a focus ahead that's wonderfully exciting for the Primary & Intermediate sector within NZ's Virtual Learning Network. Taking Kids GlobalLearn-Now is currently responsible (both directly and shared) for the online learning life of 284 students. The largest contingent live in the US, with neighbouring Australia, Fiji and the Soloman Islands amidst the fun. Indonesia, Italy, Canada and New Zealand are interconnected, with Holland, Uganda and Pakistan in the throws of adding a considerable level of interest and activity. The extent of it all is not without its gremlins though. Timetables, internet speeds, school buy-in and student ambition has its trials! The greatest of which, sits with schools who won't allow students on idle classroom computers due to supervision issues, view YouTube, use email, blog, or get anything more than their scheduled hour per week in a programme. Thankfully, the successes far outweigh the gremlins, so productivity & skill acquisition remains high.
Global ProjectsBetween the life alongside Operation Christmas Child, CyberPals and ePals, Learn-Now's joined a Virtual World Tour project with an Australia school, and is cranking up a life that'll involve (enjoy this...) cows, orphans, seeds and medical supplies in our own International Hands Up programme. Care packages, learning support packages and Christmas packages meander through programmes, alongside youth enterprise work, cultural awareness programmes and heated global issue discussions. Curriculum & key competency coverage is wonderful. Wiki's, blogs, tweets, wix sites, forums, snail mail, live chat, interactive online whiteboards and personal project architecture is very much alive and well... eLearning IT ConsultancyThe most thrilling nature of all so far though, has been the recently stunning levels of consultancy work gained within both the eLearning Department & Foundation for Learning Departments at the Ministry of Education (NZ). Learn-Now has not just been about what it can provide by way of enrolment and direct programming. The experience and student-centred nature of Learn-Now's online learning centre has been 'hopefully developing' as an online learning centre model. A model by virtue of structure, design, intent, story and journey. Of perfection? LOL! It would be unwise to think that such an attribute is possible with any kind of learning centre - desired of course! Will keep the blog posted with developments as they take root...
Ulearn - Christchurch, NZ & more...
Ahead for now though, is the Ulearn conference in Christchurch, New Zealand, just 3 days away. Time to catch up on the latest around the eLearning world and meet with colleagues and potential new (Learn-Now & sub-contractor) recruits. It's also a chance to connect with those who are about to make a mark in upcoming contract work. The latter being those who in turn have wonderful online learning models of interest for the wider online learning communities. All's well on this front - like never before!
How great it is, to be saying this despite recessions, public (and often colleague) skepticism and a tiny rural office space. Thanks goes to those who share a passion for learning that's on the same page as students with the 21st century buzz.