Parents & schools are welcome to enrol students. Parents have the means to use Learn-Now as an online tutoring service this year (depending on the types of staff we have to cater for requests) and as an After School and Holiday Programme.
Schools have a variety of opportunities available to them. They can enrol a single student for extension & enrichment, a group of students as a team, or take up the whole class single-login membership. The whole focus lies in an elearning one, perfect for ICT cluster groups and anyone wanting to enrich learning with a serious 21st century style.
There are two key factors to consider when enroling a student in Learn-Now. Computer access time granted is crucial. At least an hour a week is needed, plus an hour offline. Secondly, when considering the fees involved, it has to be understood that this is what covers teacher salaries and if in keeping with the 1:1 time given, should just about be double! Staff deal not only with tuition and a huge amount of monitoring and facilitation, but behind-the-scenes development of a students' programme as well.
Check out the site! On offer, are customised projects, but our greatest offer is the invite that's extended to students to come with their own topic (maybe a class one) and develop that with an elearning angle with us. It'll reach students in other schools - and this includes international based students we have waiting in the wings right now. http://www.learn-now.school.nz